Alpha v3 is out - new improvements and fixes!

With this update, I've fixed some stuff from the previous version as well as added a new mechanic for the game. The good news? Work on the actual multiplayer has begun.

 - The new "dash" command that allows the player to perform a high speed dash in any of the four directions. Comes with a 30 second cooldown.

 - The caret on the input field is now active on start, preventing you from manually moving the mouse over to click it.
 - Horizontal and vertical movements are now independent of each other.
 - Added a new mouse icon which sort of fits the retro theme (I don't think it does).
 - The terminal screen in the Play scene now displays previously typed commands and responses perfectly.
 - A lighting issue which causes the Play scene to render much darker. No more!
 - Made use of a simpler texture instead of the high res one for the ground. The latter caused crashes and performance issues in systems that didn't have the capability to render it.
 - Fixed the UI. It no longer stretches out of screens whose resolutions are below 1080p and it scales normally with all 16:9 displays.

 - Changing direction while moving normally still calculates on old positions when the character was at rest. This can be seen when moving left and suddenly moving right.
 - Incorrect usage of commands still doesn't show a response showing the correct usage (I'm figuring that out).
 - Incorrectly using a command sometimes throws an error and crashes the game for some reason (On today's episode of unsolved mysteries).

Small changes
- Reduced the speed of the player character. It felt too fast.

Now look, I have little to no experience with multiplayer or networking or whatever. This means that the next build, Alpha v4, might take more time to complete. But as always, stay tuned for the next update! (and hopefully, may the Force be with me for this one)

-The L3rNa3aN


Masterkey - Alpha 21 MB
Feb 02, 2022

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